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Kuşçubaşı also provides figures for the Aegean islands of Mtylene, Chios and Samos.
Having said that, as the Ottoman Empire experienced misplaced these islands in 1912, any Ottoman-controlled population movement on these islands have been out of conce. 6 Cemal Kutay, Etniki Eterya’dan Günümüze Ege’nin Türk Kalma Savaşı (Istanbul: Boğaziçi Yayınları, 1980), pp. For a more thorough dialogue on these figures, see Erman Şahin, “Ermeni Meselesinde Bilimsel Etik ve Yöntem” [The Armenian Dilemma: Scholarly Ethics and Methodology] Ermeni Araştırmaları Dergisi .
No. 7 Coded telegram from Lt. Colonel Pertev (the Deputy Commander of the tenth Military Corps) to the Ministry of War. Sivas, July 22, 1915, in Armenian Pursuits in the Archive Files .
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Vol. 8 Coded telegram from Pertev (the Commander of the 4th Military Corps) to the Supreme Command. Buca, thirty July 30, 1915, in .
Armenian Functions in the Archive Files . Vol. 9 See the short biography in Hülya Toker and Nurca Aslan eds.
Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na Katılan Alay ve Daha Üst Kademedeki Komutanların Biyografileri [Biographies of the Regiment and Larger (Armed forces Device) Commanders Who Participated in Hunting for a excellent posting service dissertationswritingservice provide you with the top writing services WWI] (Ankara: Genel Kurmay Basımevi, 2009), pp. 10 Vahakn N.
Dadrian, “Ottoman Archives and Denial of the Armenian Genocide” in Richard G. Hovannisian, ed. The Armenian Genocide, Historical past, Politics, Ethics (London: MacMillan, 1992), p. 11 Hikmet Özdemir and Yusuf Sarınay eds.
Turkish-Armenian Conflict Documents (Ankara, TBMM Basımevi, 2007), Document No. 12 Prior to quoting the expressions in conce, Yalman introduces them by making use of the pursuing statement: “Those who put forward the coverage of typical extermination had been mentioned to just take this stand” (italics included). See Ahmet Emin [Yalman], Turkey in the Globe War (New Haven: Yale College Press, 1930), p. 220 13 This is the day presented by Vahakn N. Dadrian.
See Table 2 in his “The Naim-Andonian Paperwork on the Entire world War I Destruction of Ottoman Armenians: The Anatomy of a Genocide,” Intercontinental Joual of Center East Reports . Vol. 14 Erik Jan Zürcher, Turkey: A Fashionable Background (London: I. B.
Tauris, 2004), pp. Michael Gunter, “Pursuing the Just Lead to of Their People”: A Examine of Contemporary Armenian Terrorism (New York: Greenwood Press, 1986), p. Andrew Mango, “Turks and Kurds”, Center Easte Scientific studies . Vol. 15 Ali İhsan Sabis, Harp Hatıralarım: Birinci Cihan Harbi (My War Memoirs: Initial Environment War), Vol.
16 BOA, Dh. Şfr. ” Dh. Şfr. ” Dh. Şfr. ” 17 BOA. Dh. Şfr. Cipher telegram from the Inside Minister Talat to Kastamonu province, Sept. 18 Vahakn N. Dadrian, “A Textual Examination of the Critical Indictment of the Turkish Navy Tribunal Investigating the Armenian Genocide,” Joual of Political and Army Sociology . Vol. 19 Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın, Siyasal Anılar [Political Memoirs], (İstanbul: İşbankası Kültür Yayınları, 1976), p. 236 20 Meclisi Mebusan Zabıt Ceridesi [Proceedings of the Ottoman Parliament], Interval 3, Assembly Calendar year 5, Vol. 21 Hilmar Kaiser, “‘A Scene from Infeo’: The Armenians of Erzurum and the Genocide, 1915-1916” in Hans-Lukas Kieser and Dominik Schaller eds. The Armenian Genocide and the Shoah (Zürich: Chronos Verlag, 2002), p. 22 Falih Rıfkı Atay, Zeytindağı [The Olive Mountain], (İstanbul: Bateş, 1981), p. Ahmet Refik, İki Komite İki Kıtal [Two Committees Two Massacres], (Ankara: Kebikeç Yayınları, 1994), pp. 23 Taha Toros ed. Ali Münif Bey’in Hatıraları [Memoirs of Ali Münif Bey], (İstanbul, Isis, 1996), pp. 25 Osmanlı Belgelerinde Ermeniler (1915-1920) [Armenians in Ottoman Documents 1915-1920], Ankara: Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü, 1995, p.